Red Autumn
by Artificium -
Buy the Original Painting
45.000 x 35.000 x 1.000 inches
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Red Autumn
Artificium -
Painting - Hand Painted, Digital Oil
When the moon is bright and shadows are dark,
And Tango dancers' ankles entwine,
And the air smells of apples and lilac
And dew glimmers on the pine,
My head is light and my heart is full
Like a glass of rich red wine,
Because I know that in the Autumn
Your love can still be mine.
Poem by (c)Catherine Weaver
Watermark will not appear on prints.
July 7th, 2013
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Comments (94)
Carol L Miller
Such a beautiful woman, her flawless pale skin contrasted with the fiery red locks set against your faded background make this a masterpiece! Congratulations!
Artificium - replied:
You describe her so well. Thank you for taking the time to stop by and write this comment.
Paula Ayers
Lovely piece. The fly-away hair is magnificent. Can't take my eyes off of the beautiful details.
Dave Farrow
What a breathtaking digital work of art. She is strikingly beautiful. I can appreciate your entire womens gallery...all gold medal winners....L/F...bravo Susi